
Top-Notch Lawn Care in Spearfish

Lawn Care in Spearfish, SD

Spearfish has beautiful parks and natural areas that attract tourists from all over. At Warne Chemical, we’ve been creating park-quality lawns since 1956. We have extensive knowledge on Spearfish lawn problems. Contact us to learn how we can help you.

We offer a five-step lawn care program that keeps your lawn lush and healthy all year. Our program includes specially designed fertilizer applications for each season. It starts with a spring starter, followed by regular feeding in summer and fall, and finishes with a turf winterizer in spring. See the full program here:

Step 1 (Spring): Balanced lawn food, broadleaf weed control, iron-sulfur supplement.

Step 2 (Early summer): Non-burning slow-release lawn food, broadleaf weed control, iron-sulfur supplement.

Step 3 (Midsummer): Non-burning slow-release lawn food, broadleaf weed control, iron-sulfur supplement.

Step 4 (Early fall): Non-burning, slow-release liquid lawn food, broadleaf weed control, iron-sulfur supplement.

Step 5 (The Winterizer): Non-burning slow-release granular lawn food.

Weed Control in Spearfish, SD

We also provide a weed control program that focuses solely on eliminating weeds without the use of fertilizer. Weed sprays can be scheduled by appointment and can be done multiple times if desired. Some of the common weeds we help control include:

  • Leafy spurge
  • Canada thistle
  • Perennial sow thistle
  • Hoary cress
  • Russian knapweed
  • Purple loosestrife
  • Salt cedar

Tree & Shrub Care in Spearfish, SD

Trees and shrubs provide shade, privacy, and can become a defining symbol of our yard for generations. We can protect them from common tree insects like:

  • Aphids
  • Ash bores
  • Birch bores
  • And more!

Warne Chemical & Equipment Company, Inc. has a trained staff to diagnose and treat tree and shrub problems. Since 1956, we have been caring for trees and shrubs in Spearfish. We use the latest technology to solve problems quickly and effectively.

Pest Control in Spearfish, SD

Pests are a common problem in the summer. They can be found in your yard or inside your home and they are annoying. Our pest control program can help you eliminate pests both inside and outside of your house. We offer perimeter pest control to keep your home free of:

  • Bed bugs
  • Cockroaches
  • Clover mites
  • Millipedes
  • Earwigs
  • Spiders
  • Cluster flies
  • Termites

If you need pest control services, we are the best choice. Contact Warne Chemical & Equipment Company, Inc. to schedule an application or leave a message on our website. Call 605-342-7644.